You’re an adult now! So, if your idea of recreational sports is flinging an axe, so be it. If you lean toward the more traditional sports like volleyball, we’ve got something for you too. Grab the gang, or try a solo sport and let that competitive streak fly!
Leagues will commence on January 4 or 5 depending on location/availability, at 7pm. We will confirm with you the exact dates approximately 5 days before kick-off depending on registration numbers for each night.
Because of high demand, leagues are on a first-come, first-serve basis. We have limited numbers of spots available.
Note: Many indoor basketball leagues are on hold at this time due to COVID-19. Check back to see when games resume.
City of Huntsville Shurney Legacy Center
Industrial League is for company teams, co-ed
Summer and Winter Leagues are open to men’s teams, ages 21 and up
City of Huntsville, Lakewood Community Center
- Both Summer and Fall Season: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays will have games (weekday games start at 6 pm Saturday games begin at 9 am)
- Sunset Cruise
Huntsville Area Mountain Bike Riders
This is a community group made up of Southern Off-road Bicycling Association (SORBA) members. There are day and night trail rides, scheduled often.
This membership club organizes a wide variety of activities suitable for all biking enthusiasts. There are sponsored rides every week throughout the year.
The club includes an all-women division, the Rocket City Cycle Belles (RCCB) too.
- Free flag football every Sunday morning, however, they have not updated recently, so check back in the warmer months.
- Mens, womens, and co-ed ultimate frisbee league for college age +
- Spring League
- Co-ed disc golf
- Year-round tournaments
- Co-ed point-scoring golf game league for players 21+
- Spring League
- Fall League
- Co-ed teams compete in a 9-hole handicapped match play format
North Alabama Golf League (NAGL)
- 2/4 Man Scrambles & 2 man Best Ball. They travel to different Courses in North Alabama every Sunday
North Alabama Hockey Association
- Adult amateur hockey program for players 18+
- Fall League
- Summer League
- Co-ed kickball for players 21+
- Spring League
- Fall League
Huntsville Pickleball Club
- 9 indoor locations
- 7 days a week (depending on season)
- 12 outdoor courts
- Website for Details
- Indoor rock climbing facility. There are currently no teams for 18+, but membership perks are available with events and classes
City of Huntsville Johnson Legacy Center
- Indoor rock climbing facility
- Co-ed competitive and recreational rowing
- Year-round
- Co-ed matches and tournaments mainly throughout the southeast
Huntsville Adult Soccer League (HASL)
- Men’s and women’s soccer league for players 18+
- Spring League
- Fall League
- Indoor and outdoor pickup soccer games
- Year-round schedule posted on Facebook page
- Men’s indoor soccer league
- Winter League
Casual Sundays
- POC: Jeremy Concepcion
- Starting Sunday June 26th 2022 10am
- Field next to 190 Graphics Dr
- Bring a white or a black shirt (ideally both), plenty of water, cleats and shinguards recommended
Note: Many indoor basketball leagues are on hold at this time due to COVID-19. Check back to see when games resume.
- Men, Women, Co-Ed, and Church Co-Ed softball
- Spring League
- Summer League
- Fall League
Huntsville Volleyball Association
- Men’s, women’s, co-ed, and church co-ed indoor volleyball for players 18+
- Fall League
- Seasonal adult league play
- There are currently no in-door leagues, but Co-ed volleyball open play for all ages is available. Check for locations and call ahead (sand courts included)
- Doubles, co-ed, and fours divisions on sand courts
Huntsville Water Polo Association
- Saturdays at 10 AM to 12 PM in the Competition Pool at the Huntsville Aquatic Center in Brahan Springs Park
After your game, match, practice – hit up one of Huntsville’s local breweries to celebrate your hard work.

Katelyn Henderson has lived in Huntsville for over 12 years and feels like it is her true home. She owns We Are Huntsville and loves supporting local business, sharing fun exciting news, and finding all the secret treasures that make Huntsville so special. You can always send her an email!
I’m 52 play like I’m in my 30’s can play any position on the field natural shortstop can hit for power to all parts of the field I’m a lead off hitter and I have no problem going up the middle that’s where I hit anyone wants to give me a chance would love to play